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Home Perfumery – Part 2 ~ Synopsis ~ How do you make perfume? Here is a plan to work at home and how to begin, how to start, and what supplies you need. Use naturals. Here is what do you need to know.


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part 2 Home Perfumery

work table in the perfumery

Use them; use your oils by making blends, perfumes and scents. Always write everything down. Remember the secret word — time —. It takes time for a scent to develop. This means that you make your Bases to make the Accords to make the Notes to make the final perfume. Each step along the way, allow the bases, the accord, the notes, the perfume to develop with time. Be patient. [A base note is a note, it is not the bases.]

    George Askinson was a chemist and had something to say about the blending of perfume materials.
“Cologne water of the most superior and incomparable quality is made by dissolving the essential oils in the alcohols and then distilling it, then adding the rosemary and Neroli to the distillate.”


Perfume bottles, ceramic plate, and a pyramid

It is not the number of oils that determines the fineness of a perfume,
but the manner in which certain odors are combined.” … George Askinson, 1865

WHAT IS A WELL-BALANCED PERFUME? – JeanneRose “Natural Perfumery”


DO: Be selective of where you purchase your essential oils.  The quality of essential oils varies widely from company to company.  Be sure to ask if the essential oils are 100% pure, natural, without carrier oil and not adulterated. See the Source List, Ch. VI of The Aromatherapy Book, Applications & Inhalations.

DO: Pay special attention to all safety information on all essential oils that you use. Again, cross-reference the oils you are using in your textbook The Aromatherapy Book, p. 64, for any cautions the oil may have.   This is even more important if you have a medical condition or are pregnant.

DO:  Write down everything you do when blending.  Keep a notebook handy to jot down notes, ideas and recipes for future reference.  There is nothing more maddening than trying to recreate a blend you are fond of only to have forgotten some of the ingredients.

DO NOT: Do not buy perfume/fragrance/scented oils. They are NOT the same as essential oils from plants. Perfume oils are synthetic, they are made of chemicals; they do not offer the therapeutic benefits of essential oils. If you use aromatherapy simply to enjoy the aroma, essential oils offer therapeutic benefits while synthetic oils may make you sick. Remember, perfume oils do not have any therapeutic benefits.

DO NOT: Do not buy essential oil products with rubber dropper tops. Essential oils are concentrated, volatile and will turn the rubber gummy. Be careful to wipe up any essential oils that spill on any wood or plastic surface. They will stain or remove the finish. Do store your essential oils in glass bottles with orifice reducers or dropper inserts. Store in a cool, dark place, in a box or in the refrigerator.


Storage of Essential Oils

Essential oils do not go rancid, as they do not have any fatty acids. They can oxidize (change their chemistry). To protect your oils, they should be kept protected from the light either in clear glass in a lightproof container or in amber or cobalt blue bottles and away from heat and the sun. The non-science that says only amber bottles is not science, but people crowd sourcing incorrect information. Keep in clear, colorless glass and you can see what you have; and keep these bottles in a box or in a cupboard when not in use.

Blue oils (blue-colored oils) should be stored in the freezer. (Blue Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Blue Sage, Blue Artemis, Roman Chamomile, Yellow Chamomile)

Citrus oils can be stored in the refrigerator. (Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, Yuzu, Petitgrain, Neroli, Lime, etc.). The waxes that are in these expressed oils may settle out into tiny white bits. This is okay, just filter out those white bits.

Most oils should be stored in a cool, dark place, wine cellar or refrigerator. (Rosemary, Lavender, Marjoram, Thyme, etc.)

Resinous oils may be stored anywhere but not in the cold. (Frankincense, Myrrh, Labdanum, Cistus)



Perfume Breakdown© is developed by Jeanne Rose

Perfume is built in layers like music

The Home Perfumery  Table with reference books and essentials

Writing a Formula

NAME OF PERFUME ____________________________  DATE _____________ Your Name ______________

Writing a Formula by JeanneRose


Here is a list of what was covered in one of our previous Natural Botanical Perfumery Classes. We will be able to do as much each year the class is given.

PERFUMERY CLASS – Completed Projects in 8-days

Bibliography and Book Resource ~
Arctander, Steffen. Perfume and Flavor Materials of Natural Origin
Calkin, Robert R. and J. Stephan Jellinek. Perfumery Practice and Principles, Wiley Interscience, 1994.
Guenther, Ernest: The Essential Oils, volumes I-VI,  Krieger. 1949.
Mabberley, D. J. The Plant Book
McMahon, Christopher. AROMAtherapy 2037, Fall 97. “Tuberose Treasure”
———. AROMAtherapy 2037, Summer 97. “Extraction of Floral Concretes”
———. AROMAtherapy 2037, Winter 97/98. “Mimosa Harvesting”.
Ohloff, Günther:  Scent and Fragrances, Springer-Verlag 1990. Translated by Pickenhagen and Lawrence
Piesse, G. W. Septimus. The Art of Perfumery.  1867
Rose, Jeanne: 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols; Frog, Ltd. 1999.
Natural Botanical Perfumery Workbook • 2018
Writing of the Rose, 1998
AROMAtherapy 2037. Winter 1997/98
The Aromatherapy Book, Applications & Inhalations 1996.
—  Herbs & Things, Last Gasp. 2002
—  The World of Aromatherapy, 1996.
Thompson, C. J. S. The Mystery and Lure of Perfume.  Lippincott. 1927.
Wildwood, Christine. Creative Aromatherapy. 1993.
Williams, David G.: The Chemistry of Essential Oils, Micelle Press. 1996.
The Oxford English Dictionary.


Perfumery Workbook

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